Bikram Teacher Training Fall 2010

A Yogini's Journey to Become a Bikram Yoga Teacher...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tessism: Spring 2011 TT Trainee.

In case you were curious, and I hadn't made it clear, the purpose of this blog is share my teacher training life with others... In the hopes that it may inspire them in some way.

Inspire them to try Bikram yoga... Inspire them to try a 30-day challenge (or a 101-day challenge!)... Or to come to teacher training themselves.

The blog is meant to give a general overview of everything that happens, but not get too specific about everything that happens in the "yoga bubble." When I am happy, you will know it. And you may even know why. When I am having a tough week, you will know that too. And I will share the general reasons why.

This is because I want people to understand that teacher training will bring out a wide variety of experiences and emotions in you.

You will get exhausted.
You will be giddy beyond words for no reason.
You will surprise yourself by what you can actually do.
You will get angry at times.

That said, I am beyond flattered with one reader (who started off reading my other blog) who found some of my tips for newbies to Bikram yoga helpful. She's followed me since then... And went on to do a number of challenges. (AMAZING!) And now, she plans on being a part of the Spring 2011 Teacher Training class.


You can read Tessism's blog here.


  1. Aw, that is really great. I heart the yoga blog community!!

  2. OMG me too! I love reading the blogs... it makes me feel so connected. :)

  3. Wow!! I've been at a conference all day and I was on my blog and wondering about the spike in traffic and I see you wrote about me! OMG! Thank you! Thank you! You really guided me through beginning this practice and follow in your footsteps. Such an honor. I can't wait to celebrate your completing TT!

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